SHQ Holiday Recs Part Three: Dave's Picks

It's that time of year again! Already! Somehow! Never fear, we are here to help you pick out the best gifts for everyone on your list. Part three: picks from the big boss man, Dave!

Star Wars T-Shirts 1977 - 1983

SHQ Publishing, $20

A long time ago (early 2021) we got together with Austin Books and made this rad collection of classic Star Wars t-shirts. Remember going to the mall and picking iron-ons from the books? It was ringer tee heaven!

Dang Wayne Olsen Book & Print Set

SHQ Publishing, $20

DWO is so fantastic, kinda like when gum is exactly at that perfect combination of flavor and chewiness.

His art is like that: chewy flavor for your eyeballs.

Crisis Zone - Signed & Sketched

Fantagraphics, $30

Now that the world is totally fixed and we've achieved a United Federation Of Planets-level peace, it's time to reflect back on the year 2020. This textbook by Professor Hanselmann is about as accurate to the time as you'll ever read.

Wont 2 Cant Vol 1

Cold Cube Press, $35

We invite you to read Wont 2 Cant if you want to know the core principle of the religion your children's children will be practicing. Spoiler alert: it's exercise balls.

Dope Rider

Tanibis Editions, $42

The Dope Rider is back! His head is a skull, do you want to know why? Read the book! Then get high, and make up your own answer.